Keep Insights At Your Fingertips With Advanced Analytics
When you upgrade to Advanced Analytics you gain on- demand access to the data needed to run your branches more efficiently, deliver better services, and connect every client interaction to the metrics your team cares about most.
Stay in the Know to Optimize
Operational Flow
Understand historical trends across services and locations, so you have just the right amount of staff available. Plus, know where staff spend their time so you can make the most of your team before hiring additional FTEs.
Analyze customer feedback to understand which services (and team members) are hitting the mark. Plus, receive alerts to get ahead of long lead times, understaffing, or other events that may impact the customer experience.
Our simple UI makes it easy for anyone to get access to whatever level of data they need, when they need it through pre-built dashboards.

We didn’t just design Advanced Analytics for Coconut customers – we built it alongside them, gathering input from banks and credit unions to ensure it provides reporting tools that keep you cruising in the right direction.
Utilization reporting
See where your team spends their time along with who’s underbooked and who’s under water.
Outcome dashboards
See custom question responses collected during the booking flow to spot trends, like booking purpose and appointment outcomes.
Utilization reporting
See how many clients visit a branch over time and the most popular times for a visit so you can prep your team.
Data export
Connect to data sources like SFTP, and webhooks for a full look at the client journey.
Service-level reporting
Understand which services are most popular and spot trends in service types to focus upskilling efforts.
Data drill-down
Drill down into details across any data set that’s collected in Coconut. Build your own visualizations and schedule recurring reports.