Staying Connected with your Clients During COVID-19

As COVID-19 continues to affect our understanding of what the terms ‘day-to-day’ and ‘interaction’ actually mean, people are becoming increasingly irked at being restricted from what is normal and are questioning when we’ll get back to it. As these restrictions are starting to lift, your customers might begin to wonder when they will be able to make their next face-to-face connection with their bank or credit union.
What we do now will trigger a sequence of events that will help rebuild our economy. One of those key precedents that will continue to remain relevant and necessary are the connections we actively seek out, The ones important enough to justify taking the time to meet in-person.
While it still might be some time until you are comfortable to have a meeting in-branch again, Coconut has helped to bridge the gap in a number of ways. Over the past few months, we’ve introduced and improved upon many features and solutions to help you continue to foster your customer engagements.
Virtual Meetings
Virtual meetings have become an extension of Coconut’s body, acting as an arm which empowers human engagements across a digital world. The ability to connect remotely has always been a priority of ours. With the unforeseen challenges our workforces have had to adapt to, it has never been easier to make the shift to digital.
Building on the core functions of our existing customer engagement solution, Phone and Video Meetings helps customers and advisors continue to foster their relationships in a digital setting, allowing them to communicate safely and securely from any location at a time of their choosing.
Available through the same self-service booking flow used for face-to-face meetings, and with no additional software to download and no need for customers to set up accounts, adoption of these virtual meetings is incredibly simple. Virtual meetings offered through our appointment scheduling software provides you with a unique opportunity to create deeper connections with your customers while remaining at a safe distance, according to.
With financial institutions and their customers experiencing the full physical and financial effects of the global crisis, it’s crucial that our financial institutions continue to provide us with direction and reassurance — while also encouraging increased physical distancing.
Lobby Management
One of the larger concerns about returning to the branch for those important conversations is the expected friction in the lobby while still adhering to the government regulations surrounding COVID-19. Coconut’s Lobby Management eliminates that concern, allowing both your management staff and customers to see real time availability for in-branch conversations, as well as higher traffic times, and seamlessly fits in with your existing processes.
While COVID-19 has ultimately enforced the rules and limitations brought forth through the introduction of the appointment economy, it has also brought forth a model of the branch where digital and physical services are more in harmony than ever. Anuj Sahani from Comperemedia states that; “Adapting to new consumer behaviors and embracing the future of customer relations means bank branches cannot operate as call centers; rather they need to revert back to how banking used to be – more personal and experiential.”
The core concept of the branch is continuing to change, and through limiting our physical experiences inside of the branch itself, this pandemic has inadvertently accelerated the customer’s evolving expectations on what the modern day or post Covid-19 branch should look like. A large shift will have to be made for the future of branches, accentuating the personal features of the branch which consumers have come to love, blended with a model of smart and convenient digital interfaces that can keep us connected from a distance.
It’s important for us to remain connected, and continue to let our engagements foster virtually for the time being.
From all of us at Coconut, stay safe, and stay connected.