Coconut Software Featured in the Global News

A Saskatoon woman with a new tech company, Coconut Calendar, talks with Global’s Lisa Dutton via Skype. Katherine Regnier is in Silicon Valley after winning a prized mentorship.
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Video Transcript
Lisa Dutton:
It’s a prestigious mentorship. Only four people were selected globally for Neal Dempsey’s Running Start Mentorship. CEO of Coconut Calendar, Katherine Regnier, is the only North American to be chosen, as well as the only woman and she happens to be from Saskatoon. Katherine joins us from Silicon Valley this morning live via Skype. She heads into her last weekend of mentorship today. To start — first off — Katherine tell us a bit about your business, Coconut Calendar.
Katherine Regnier:
So, Coconut Calendar is enterprise appointment management. And so, what does that mean? Lisa you’ve had the experience of going ahead and try to make an appointment and how frustrating that can be. So, at Coconut Calendar, what we do is our software allows businesses to allow the consumer to go ahead and book an appointment at any one of their locations. So online appointment scheduling.
Lisa Dutton:
So what sets you apart for this very elite opportunity? What got you picked?
Katherine Regnier:
Oh well, you know I can’t speak on behalf of Neal and and what he thought, but I think the one thing that stood out with our company is that we have a lot of traction in the market. We’re working with some of the largest telcos in Canada, some financial institutions. So I think that’s what really got Neal’s attention.
Lisa Dutton:
So you’re at the mentorship right now. How’s it been so far? What are what are the takeaways to this point.
Katherine Regnier:
Well, I can tell you that the mentorship itself has been really intense. It’s like trying to drink out of a fire hydrant. So it’s a very compact, and myself and the other three gentlemen were talking about it we said, you know, we’re learning more than potentially what we did in all of university in three weeks so really intense. And we’re meeting with really high caliber people. We’re meeting with people who have started a company like I have, and brought it all the way to being publicly traded. I mean, what better people to learn from? They’re the celebrities in our industry.
Lisa Dutton:
Right, so you look at people who are so accomplished like that, so I have to ask, what’s next for you the success of Coconut Calendar? The sky’s the limit.
Katherine Regnier:
Yeah, absolutely. I mean, everything that we’re taking we’re just trying to compile, make into a plan and bring it back to Saskatoon, and I’m really hoping to even share some of the learnings that I’ve had here because I think it’s so valuable. And I’m going to be able to grow my company better and faster and our teams going to be better, and just bring it back home to Saskatoon,
Lisa Dutton:
And you’re obviously there networking Katherine. What are people saying about our city?
Katherine Regnier:
Well, I think what people are maybe starting to pick up on is that we actually have a lot of talent in Saskatchewan throughout the tech scene. And I think one of the things that floors a lot of people here is that we’re able to make successful, great businesses, without being in the Valley. And you know people are like, ‘Oh, well, you just have to do everything traditionally and come down here.’ You don’t. But I have to say, Saskatoon people, we’re hardworking people. We’re focused. We’re dedicated. But me coming here has really opened up the whole mentorship, obviously, and that’s going to help me do things a bit faster. So sometimes we maybe don’t have the benchmarking that we would here in the Valley, but those resources are still accessible, and again, with technology, you can make things happen from anywhere.
Lisa Dutton:
Alright and real quick before we go, Katherine, leave some advice for any young budding entrepreneurs watching this morning.
Katherine Regnier:
Oh, okay. You can do it! You can do it! I can’t tell you how many times that I thought ‘What am I doing?’ and when I came here I was super intimidated. I thought, I don’t know if I’m gonna be good enough. And I got here, you know what, everybody has these problems and it’s okay and it’s a part of business so just go for it. Find someone who can help you along the way so you can do it a little bit quicker a little bit faster, maybe fall a little less. But all that’s going to happen anyway, so I think just do it.
Lisa Dutton:
Well, Katherine we thank you for taking some time to join us this morning. Best of luck to you enjoy the rest of the mentorship. And it’s called Coconut Calendar folks, check it out!
Source: Global News
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